C. Dang, J.P. Chou, B. Dai, C.T. Chou, Y. Yang, R. Fan, W. Lin, F. Meng, A. Hu, J. Zhu, J. Han, A.M. Minor, J. Li, Y. Lu, Achieving large uniform tensile elasticity in microfabricated diamond, Science 371, 6524, 76-78 (2021).
X. Li, Y. Meng, W. Li, J. Zhang, C. Dang, H. Wang, S.-W. Hung, R. Fan, F.-R. Chen, S. Zhao, J. C. Ho, Y. Lu, Multislip-enabled morphing of all-inorganic perovskites. Nature Materials 22, 1175–1181 (2023).
C. Dang*, W. Lin*, F. Meng, H. Zhang, S. Fan, X. Li, K. Cao, H. Yang, W. Zhou, Z. Fan, J. Kai, Y. Lu, C. Dang, et al., Enhanced tensile ductility of tungsten microwires via high-density dislocations and reduced grain boundaries, Journal of Materials Science and Technology 95, 193-202 (2021).
C. Dang*, A. Lu, H. Wang, L. Yang, X. Li, H. Zhang, Y. Lu, Extreme mechanics of nanoscale diamond towards functional device applications. Extreme Mechanics Letters 58, 101931 (2023).
A. Lu, L. Yang, C. Dang, H. Wang, Y. Zhang, X. Li, H. Zhang, Y. Lu, Tuning diamond electronic properties for functional device applications. Functional Diamond 2, 151-165 (2022).
C. Dang, A. Lu, H. Wang, H. Zhang, Y. Lu, Diamond semiconductor and elastic strain engineering. Journal of Semiconductors 43, 021801 (2022). (invited article)
H. Wang, H. Wu, W. Lin, B. Zhang, X. Li, Y. Zhang, S. Fan, C. Dang, Y. Zhu, S. Zhao, X. Zhou, Y. Lu, Orientation-dependent large plasticity of single-crystalline gallium selenide. Cell Reports Physical Science 100816 (2022).
W. Lin, D. Chen, C. Dang, P. Yu, G. Wang, J. Lin, F. Meng, T. Yang, Y. Zhao, S. Liu, J. Du, G. Yeli, C. T. Liu, Y. Lu, S. Ogata, J. Kai, Highly pressurized helium nanobubbles promote stacking-fault-mediated deformation in FeNiCoCr high-entropy alloy. Acta Materialia 210, 116843 (2021).
Y. Wang, Y. Zhang, S. Dong, W. Zhou, P. Lee, Z. Peng, C. Dang, P. H. Sit, J. Guo, D. Y. W. Yu, An All‐Fluorinated Electrolyte Toward High Voltage and Long Cycle Performance Dual‐Ion Batteries. Advanced Energy Materials 12, 2103360 (2022).
Y. Wang, Y. Zhang, S. Wang, S. Dong, C. Dang, W. Hu, D. Y. W. Yu, Ultrafast Charging and Stable Cycling Dual-Ion Batteries Enabled via an Artificial Cathode–Electrolyte Interface. Advanced Functional Materials 31, 2102360 (2021).
X. Li, Y. Meng, R. Fan, S. Fan, C. Dang, X. Feng, J. C. Ho, Y. Lu, High elasticity of CsPbBr3 perovskite nanowires for flexible electronics. Nano Research 14, 4033-4037 (2021).
W. Lin, S. Liu, D. Chen, C. Dang, H. Niu, Y. Zhao, B. Han, Y. Lu, J.-J. Kai, Interaction between recrystallization and helium behavior in cold-rolled nickel, Materials Letters 250, 68-71 (2019).
C. Dang, J.U. Surjadi, L. Gao, Y. Lu, Mechanical properties of nanostructured CoCrFeNiMn high-entropy alloy (HEA) coating, Frontiers in Materials 5, 41 (2018).
C. Dang, T. Olugbade, S. Fan, H. Zhang, L. Gao, J. Li, Y. Lu, Direct quantification of mechanical responses of TiSiN/Ag multilayer coatings through uniaxial compression of micropillars, Vacuum 156, 310-316 (2018).
C. Dang, Y. Yao, T. Olugbade, J. Li, L. Wang, Effect of multi-interfacial structure on fracture resistance of composite TiSiN/Ag/TiSiN multilayer coating, Thin Solid Films 653, 107-112 (2018).
C. Dang, J. Li, Y. Wang, Y. Yang, Y. Wang, J. Chen, Influence of Ag contents on structure and tribological properties of TiSiN-Ag nanocomposite coatings on Ti-6Al-4V, Applied Surface Science 394, 613-624 (2017).
Y. Wang, J. Li, C. Dang, Y. Wang, Y. Zhu, Influence of carbon contents on the structure and tribocorrosion properties of TiSiCN coatings on Ti6Al4V, Tribology International 109, 285-296 (2017).
Y. Wang, J. Li, C. Dang, Y. Wang, Y. Zhu, Influence of bias voltage on structure and tribocorrosion properties of TiSiCN coating in artificial seawater, Materials Characterization 127, 198- 208 (2017).
C. Dang, J. Li, Y. Wang, Y. Yang, Y. Wang, J. Chen, Influence of multi-interfacial structure on mechanical and tribological properties of TiSiN/Ag multilayer coatings, Journal of Materials Science 52, 2511-2523 (2017).
C. Dang, J. Li, Y. Wang, J. Chen, Structure, mechanical and tribological properties of self-toughening TiSiN/Ag multilayer coatings on Ti6Al4V prepared by arc ion plating, Applied Surface Science 386, 224-233 (2016).