S. Liu, C.B. Ke, S. Cao, X. Ma, Y.F. Xu, X.P. Zhang, A study of grain boundary effects on the stress-induced martensitic transformation and superelasticity in NiTi alloy via atomistic simulation, Journal of Applied Physics 133, 085106 (2023).
S. Liu, C.B. Ke, S. Cao, X. Ma, Q.S. Wang, X.P. Zhang, A coherent atomic configuration model of Ni4Ti3 and its application to atomic-level characterization of precipitation induced strain fields in NiTi alloy, Materials Letters 349, 134756 (2023).
S. Liu, C.B. Ke, S. Cao, X. Ma, X.P. Zhang, An atomistic study of self-accommodation martensite morphologies and microstructure evolution during forward and reverse martensitic transformations in single crystal and bicrystal NiTi alloys, Computational Materials Science 210, 111455 (2022).
S. Liu, C.H. Tang, Y.Z. Zhan, Theoretical prediction of transition metal alloying effects on the lightweight TiAl intermetallic, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 47, 1−9 (2016).
S. Liu, Y.Z. Zhan, J.Y. Wu, Site preference of the alloying additions on mechanical and electronic properties of B2 ZrRu-based compounds, Computational Materials Science 117, 1−6 (2016).
S. Liu, Y.Z. Zhan, Insight into structural, mechanical and thermodynamic properties of zirconium boride from first-principles calculations, Computational Materials Science 103, 111−115 (2015).
S. Liu, Y.Z. Zhan, J.Y. Wu, Insight into structural, mechanical, electronic and thermodynamic properties of intermetallic phases in Zr–Sn system from first-principles calculations. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 86, 177−185 (2015).